Our Books for Your Enrichment

Great Mother
by Rabbis Miriam Maron and Gershon Winkler
The notion or image of God as Mother is endemic to Judaism at its very roots rather than a belated New-Agey addendum to help us “fit in” with the spiritual rage of the day. Our ancient wisdom tradition nonchalantly and quite comfortably feminizes the Divine Persona and Intent in both language and imagery, even attributing such to the very attribute by which the universe was created and perpetuates. The inspiring and soulstirring teachings around Great Mother in the Jewish tradition has for far too long been sorely misrepresented and heavily draped in metaphor, muffling the very Voice that called all existence into becoming. As we peel off the layers to this ancient body of Jewish mystery wisdom, it is our hope that existence will take on a deeper and more enriching meaning for all.
Now Available in Softcover, Hardcover and Kindle through Amazon
by Rabbis Miriam Maron and Gershon Winkler
The notion or image of God as Mother is endemic to Judaism at its very roots rather than a belated New-Agey addendum to help us “fit in” with the spiritual rage of the day. Our ancient wisdom tradition nonchalantly and quite comfortably feminizes the Divine Persona and Intent in both language and imagery, even attributing such to the very attribute by which the universe was created and perpetuates. The inspiring and soulstirring teachings around Great Mother in the Jewish tradition has for far too long been sorely misrepresented and heavily draped in metaphor, muffling the very Voice that called all existence into becoming. As we peel off the layers to this ancient body of Jewish mystery wisdom, it is our hope that existence will take on a deeper and more enriching meaning for all.
Now Available in Softcover, Hardcover and Kindle through Amazon

Magic of the ExtraOrdinary
by Rabbis Miriam Maron and Gershon Winkler
The Long-awaited sequel to the popular Magic of the Ordinary: Recovering the Shamanic in Judaism, featuring much new material, from its treatment of the issue of entities and energies to meanings behind the shamanic use of “props” such as feathers, stones and herbs, the wisdom of the Living Forces of the Speaking Fire, mystery of the Four Rivers, magic of the Hebraic runes, etc. – all founded upon the lesser promulgated ancient and early-medieval Hebraic and Aramaic source texts of the Jewish mystical tradition which are amply footnoted for further exploration.
Now Available in Softcover, Hardcover and Kindle through Amazon
by Rabbis Miriam Maron and Gershon Winkler
The Long-awaited sequel to the popular Magic of the Ordinary: Recovering the Shamanic in Judaism, featuring much new material, from its treatment of the issue of entities and energies to meanings behind the shamanic use of “props” such as feathers, stones and herbs, the wisdom of the Living Forces of the Speaking Fire, mystery of the Four Rivers, magic of the Hebraic runes, etc. – all founded upon the lesser promulgated ancient and early-medieval Hebraic and Aramaic source texts of the Jewish mystical tradition which are amply footnoted for further exploration.
Now Available in Softcover, Hardcover and Kindle through Amazon

The Invitation: Living A Meaningful Death
by Rabbis Gershon Winkler and Miriam Maron
An in-depth exploration of ancient Jewish mystery wisdom around the interplay of Life and Death and the sacred bond shared by both. Death, in the Judaic belief system, is not considered the end of Life but rather yet one more of many rebirths into myriad realities unknowable to us until we get there. The drama of death and dying is seen more in the context of an “invitation” we can only call “The Next.” The quality with which we endow our lives in the here-and-now largely determines the quality and ease with which we might take that step when the invitation arrives. This book introduces us to rare, inspirational and thought-provoking teachings from ancient and early-medieval Hebraic and Aramaic source texts about two of the most elusive themes with which most of us grapple daily – Life and Death – wisdom that will help us to let go of the dread of Death while becoming more welcoming of the gift of Life.
Cost: $15 plus $5 for S&H. Add $3 S&H for each additional copy
PayPal your order(s) now to paypal.me/AshinaWolfMother
Or by check to: Ashina, POB 7257, Golden, CO 80403
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by Rabbis Gershon Winkler and Miriam Maron
An in-depth exploration of ancient Jewish mystery wisdom around the interplay of Life and Death and the sacred bond shared by both. Death, in the Judaic belief system, is not considered the end of Life but rather yet one more of many rebirths into myriad realities unknowable to us until we get there. The drama of death and dying is seen more in the context of an “invitation” we can only call “The Next.” The quality with which we endow our lives in the here-and-now largely determines the quality and ease with which we might take that step when the invitation arrives. This book introduces us to rare, inspirational and thought-provoking teachings from ancient and early-medieval Hebraic and Aramaic source texts about two of the most elusive themes with which most of us grapple daily – Life and Death – wisdom that will help us to let go of the dread of Death while becoming more welcoming of the gift of Life.
Cost: $15 plus $5 for S&H. Add $3 S&H for each additional copy
PayPal your order(s) now to paypal.me/AshinaWolfMother
Or by check to: Ashina, POB 7257, Golden, CO 80403
Please include your Name and Shipping Address!!

Living A Meaningful Life Without Purpose
By Gershon Winkler
Our so-called advanced culture has all but robbed us of the gift of meaning and replaced it with the urgency of purpose. Purpose is competitive. We vie to out-purpose our neighbor, or at the very least achieve an in-kind purpose. In the process, we oftentimes lose sight of what’s really important and neglect our individual selfhood and its unique possibilities. More and more, people judge us not for who we are but for what we’ve accomplished, for what sort of justification we’ve come up with for existing. To paraphrase comedian Jackie Mason: “Everybody is handing out business cards, but the only ones making a living are the printers.” This book is about the more wholesome search for meaning than the often frustrating search for purpose, and how meaning brings far more enrichment to our lives and a more satisfying “purpose.”
Available from Balboa Press
By Gershon Winkler
Our so-called advanced culture has all but robbed us of the gift of meaning and replaced it with the urgency of purpose. Purpose is competitive. We vie to out-purpose our neighbor, or at the very least achieve an in-kind purpose. In the process, we oftentimes lose sight of what’s really important and neglect our individual selfhood and its unique possibilities. More and more, people judge us not for who we are but for what we’ve accomplished, for what sort of justification we’ve come up with for existing. To paraphrase comedian Jackie Mason: “Everybody is handing out business cards, but the only ones making a living are the printers.” This book is about the more wholesome search for meaning than the often frustrating search for purpose, and how meaning brings far more enrichment to our lives and a more satisfying “purpose.”
Available from Balboa Press

Magic of the Ordinary: Recovering the Shamanic in Judaism
by Gershon Winkler
Our ancestors split seas and rivers to traverse the rapids and drew circles in the earth to bring the rains. They used feathers of buzzards and teeth of wolves, wood and stone, and the song of stars. They chanted and danced the language of Spirit, journeyed to realms beyond the yond. They traversed the worlds of above and below, and danced the mystery of the in-between. They honored the Winds, the breath of all four, and the wisdom of animals, trees and rock. They communicated with spirits and wrestled with angels, called Sun their “brother” and Moon their “guide.” Walking comfortably amid the chasms of time, they sang the songs of sand and grass. They rooted themselves in the dream of the ever-mysterious Who, and walked that dream with their sister, Earth. An introduction to the sorely-neglected wisdom of Jewish Shamanism, replete with supporting footnotes of important ancient source texts for further studies.
Available from North Atlantic Books
by Gershon Winkler
Our ancestors split seas and rivers to traverse the rapids and drew circles in the earth to bring the rains. They used feathers of buzzards and teeth of wolves, wood and stone, and the song of stars. They chanted and danced the language of Spirit, journeyed to realms beyond the yond. They traversed the worlds of above and below, and danced the mystery of the in-between. They honored the Winds, the breath of all four, and the wisdom of animals, trees and rock. They communicated with spirits and wrestled with angels, called Sun their “brother” and Moon their “guide.” Walking comfortably amid the chasms of time, they sang the songs of sand and grass. They rooted themselves in the dream of the ever-mysterious Who, and walked that dream with their sister, Earth. An introduction to the sorely-neglected wisdom of Jewish Shamanism, replete with supporting footnotes of important ancient source texts for further studies.
Available from North Atlantic Books

Ancient Moon Wisdom: The Kabbalistic Wheel of Astro Mystery and its Relationship to the Human Experience
by Rabbi Miriam Ashina Maron, PhD., RN, BSN BSN, MA
Drawing from a rich treasury of ancient Kabbalistic mystery wisdom and her many years of experience as a spiritual healer and counselor, Dr. Maron introduces us to the remarkable interplay of the months of the yearly cycle with aboriginal tribal archetypes in the Hebraic tradition and their corresponding animal, mineral and plant totems. Here we will discover important life lessons from the histories and mythologies surrounding these archetypes and the deeper meanings behind each of their corresponding lunar cycles, all of which will prove helpful in our personal and interpersonal unfolding to bring more ease to our lives.
Cost: $15 plus $5 for S&H. Add $3 S&H for each additional copy
PayPal your order(s) now to paypal.me/AshinaWolfMother
Or by check to: Ashina, POB 7257, Golden, CO 80403
Please include your Name and Shipping Address!!
by Rabbi Miriam Ashina Maron, PhD., RN, BSN BSN, MA
Drawing from a rich treasury of ancient Kabbalistic mystery wisdom and her many years of experience as a spiritual healer and counselor, Dr. Maron introduces us to the remarkable interplay of the months of the yearly cycle with aboriginal tribal archetypes in the Hebraic tradition and their corresponding animal, mineral and plant totems. Here we will discover important life lessons from the histories and mythologies surrounding these archetypes and the deeper meanings behind each of their corresponding lunar cycles, all of which will prove helpful in our personal and interpersonal unfolding to bring more ease to our lives.
Cost: $15 plus $5 for S&H. Add $3 S&H for each additional copy
PayPal your order(s) now to paypal.me/AshinaWolfMother
Or by check to: Ashina, POB 7257, Golden, CO 80403
Please include your Name and Shipping Address!!

Daily Kabbalah: Wisdom from the Tree of Life
by Gershon Winkler
A unique collection of pragmatic aphorisms, enlightening tales, and valuable life lessons from rare Kabbalistic writings and oral traditions. Each selected reading, one for every day of the year, encourages honest contemplation and deep reflection. Daily Kabbalah renders ancient insights into contemporary language yet preserves the integrity of the original sources, some translated here for the first time from the original Aramaic and Hebrew.
Available from North Atlantic Books
by Gershon Winkler
A unique collection of pragmatic aphorisms, enlightening tales, and valuable life lessons from rare Kabbalistic writings and oral traditions. Each selected reading, one for every day of the year, encourages honest contemplation and deep reflection. Daily Kabbalah renders ancient insights into contemporary language yet preserves the integrity of the original sources, some translated here for the first time from the original Aramaic and Hebrew.
Available from North Atlantic Books

Spiral of the Three Mothers: An Aboriginal Jewish Wisdom Guide for the High Holydays
by Rabbis Gershon Winkler and Miriam Maron
This modest book will deepen your understanding of the Three Cycles of the so-called High Holydays and the relevance of each to our personal and collective renewal. The book draws from ancient and early-medieval Jewish Shamanic and Kabbalistic source texts, is richly foot-noted, and is presented in a user-friendly vernacular. Regardless of your religious or cultural background, this enriching and intelligible wisdom guide will introduce you to the lesser-known gems of the ancient Hebraic harvest tradition (much of which has never before been translated), that will rekindle your spirit, expand your horizon, and inspire renewed understanding in regard to yourself, your pet turtle, and the sweetness of the chaos around you.
Available from Balboa Press
by Rabbis Gershon Winkler and Miriam Maron
This modest book will deepen your understanding of the Three Cycles of the so-called High Holydays and the relevance of each to our personal and collective renewal. The book draws from ancient and early-medieval Jewish Shamanic and Kabbalistic source texts, is richly foot-noted, and is presented in a user-friendly vernacular. Regardless of your religious or cultural background, this enriching and intelligible wisdom guide will introduce you to the lesser-known gems of the ancient Hebraic harvest tradition (much of which has never before been translated), that will rekindle your spirit, expand your horizon, and inspire renewed understanding in regard to yourself, your pet turtle, and the sweetness of the chaos around you.
Available from Balboa Press

Sacred Secrets: The Sanctity of Sex in Jewish Law and Lore
By Gershon Winkler
Returning to primary source material, including the Torah, Talmud, Midrash, Kabbalah and other ancient and medieval Hebraic and Aramaic source texts, Winkler restores the often uninhibited and celebrative attitudes towards sexuality and sensual pleasure found in the Jewish tradition and demonstrates how much of this sense around the sensuous was subdued by the influence of religions and cultures to which the Jewish people had been subjected over the past 1700 years.
Available from Rowman Littlefield Publishers
By Gershon Winkler
Returning to primary source material, including the Torah, Talmud, Midrash, Kabbalah and other ancient and medieval Hebraic and Aramaic source texts, Winkler restores the often uninhibited and celebrative attitudes towards sexuality and sensual pleasure found in the Jewish tradition and demonstrates how much of this sense around the sensuous was subdued by the influence of religions and cultures to which the Jewish people had been subjected over the past 1700 years.
Available from Rowman Littlefield Publishers

The Judeo-Christian Fiction
by Gershon Winkler
A daring exposition of an historic fabrication that has for centuries attempted to rob the Jewish people of their rich and ancient heritage by misappropriating their sacred scriptures and suppressing their aboriginal traditions and mindset. There is nothing Judeo about Christianity and nothing Christian about Judaism. “Just because Custer wore buckskin,” writes the author, “didn’t mean he was any more a Native American than he wasn’t already. Taking the latter-day New Testament and forcing it into a single binding with the far more ancient so-called Old Testament and calling the mix “The Holy Bible” is akin to attaching the entire text of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto to the Constitution of the United States and calling it The Founding Principles of Democracy.”
Available from Lulu Press
by Gershon Winkler
A daring exposition of an historic fabrication that has for centuries attempted to rob the Jewish people of their rich and ancient heritage by misappropriating their sacred scriptures and suppressing their aboriginal traditions and mindset. There is nothing Judeo about Christianity and nothing Christian about Judaism. “Just because Custer wore buckskin,” writes the author, “didn’t mean he was any more a Native American than he wasn’t already. Taking the latter-day New Testament and forcing it into a single binding with the far more ancient so-called Old Testament and calling the mix “The Holy Bible” is akin to attaching the entire text of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto to the Constitution of the United States and calling it The Founding Principles of Democracy.”
Available from Lulu Press

The Way of the Boundary Crosser: An Introduction to Jewish Flexidoxy
by Gershon Winkler
As soon as an ideal becomes a movement, it stops moving. When we take religion too seriously and too dogmatically, it ceases to foster our spirituality, let alone our spirit, and becomes not life-enriching and inspirational but stunting and impeding. The prophets of ancient Israel, wrote Abraham Joshua Heschel, were those who railed against what we today refer to as “religion,” in times when it became atrophied and deadened rather than enlivened the spirit and life-flow of the people. “Spiritual life’” wrote Martin Buber, “is for the most part the obstacle to a life lived in the spirit.” This book, then, is a restoration of the original meaning, spirit and intent behind the Juda before it became an ism.
Available from Rowman Littlefield Publishers
by Gershon Winkler
As soon as an ideal becomes a movement, it stops moving. When we take religion too seriously and too dogmatically, it ceases to foster our spirituality, let alone our spirit, and becomes not life-enriching and inspirational but stunting and impeding. The prophets of ancient Israel, wrote Abraham Joshua Heschel, were those who railed against what we today refer to as “religion,” in times when it became atrophied and deadened rather than enlivened the spirit and life-flow of the people. “Spiritual life’” wrote Martin Buber, “is for the most part the obstacle to a life lived in the spirit.” This book, then, is a restoration of the original meaning, spirit and intent behind the Juda before it became an ism.
Available from Rowman Littlefield Publishers